The next Asia Golf Tourism Convention will take place in Miyazaki, Japan, from 15-17 March 2022. IAGTO and the Miyazaki Government are committed to not only showcasing Miyazaki and Japan to international golf tour operators, but also to deliver a much needed in-person Asia-specific event post-Covid.

All business sessions will take place at the Seagaia Convention Center with buyers hosted at the adjacent Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort. The Phoenix Seagaia Resort, where AGTC will take place, is only 20-minutes from Miyazaki Airport and Miyazaki City is located between the airport and the resort. There are 10 terrific golf courses to be discovered within a 30-minute drive.

AGTC provides the opportunity for IAGTO member golf resorts, golf clubs, hotels and other golf tourism suppliers from across the Asia Pacific region and further afield to meet with IAGTO golf tour operators from around the world, with some 70% of buyers attending from Asian markets.

By Giovanni Malcotti

Inizialmente affascinato dal mondo Retail ho lavorato come consulente per Poste Italiane, Alitalia, Omnitel, Telecom, Stream ed infine in Domino Research. Poi ho scoperto il turismo, prima da avventuriero e dal 2004 è diventato il mio mantra, il mio lavoro. Ho avuto la fortuna di ricoprire ruoli manageriali in Destinazioni Turistiche, Hotels ed Enti pubblici. A queste esperienze ho aggiunto la passione per il golf che si è trasformata nel mio lavoro. Attualmente mi occupo di fornire Consulenza Commerciale e di Revenue Management alle strutture alberghiere.

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